Conu Albu Cabernet Sauvignon 187ml

Also named the King of the Red Wines, Conu’ Albu’s (Sir Albu) Cabernet Sauvignon is that heavy and full-bodied wine that succeeds in flooding your senses with aromas of berries, counterbalancing them with the astringency specific to the area between the Black Sea and the Danube.

Conu Albu Cabernet Sauvignon Roze 187ml

In between the Danube and the Black Sea, the sun and the sea breeze envelop Conu’s Wineyard like nowhere else. The Rose of Conu Albu caresses and lures you into a freshness where you will find strawberry and blackberry flavours, shrouded in the morning dew.

Miniature Wine Bottles

Viișoara Store


Monday - Friday: 7.00 - 19.00

+40787327859 - Gheorghe Albu

+40744653932 - Ioan Albu

Constantza Store


Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 19.00
Saturday: 8.00 - 17.00
Sunday: 8 - 14.00

Piața Tomis III, Constanța
judetul Constanta,
Store Constanta 1
Store Constanta 2
Store Constanta 3

+40787327859 - Gheorghe Albu

+40744653932 - Ioan Albu

Bucharest Store


Monday - Saturday: 9.00 - 20.00
Sunday: 8.30 - 16.30

+40787327859 - Gheorghe Albu

+40744653932 - Ioan Albu